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Inc. Magazine Features Farmland LP

Inc. Magazine Features Farmland LP

May 2, 2011


Farmland LP is featured in the May issue of Inc. magazine as part of a special section on How a Business Can Change the World, which is billed as “A special report on the innovative business models social entrepreneurs are inventing.”  We at Farmland LP enjoyed the process of being interviewed by Inc. staff, we appreciate their interest in what we do, and we are pleased to be one of the companies featured in their report.  Here’s the opening paragraph of the main article:

It used to be that if you wanted to make a difference, you joined a nonprofit. And if you wanted to make money, you launched a business. These days, it’s not so simple. More nonprofits are being run like fast-growth start-ups. And more traditional companies are being built around social missions.

The details of how companies are being set up that blur traditional bounds is fascinating and I highly recommend the associated articles.

The specific piece about Farmland LP is titled “The Benefits of Going Organic – Farmland LP’s unusual approach to making money on real estate” and discusses our unique approach to farmland investing and how we advance sustainability.  We’re thrilled with the article and hope you enjoy it as well.

It is also nice to see one of my farmland pictures in print.  The image Inc. chose (shown below) was taken on Feb. 4, 2011.  We had just unloaded a group of sheep onto Fern Rd Farm and I snapped this shot with my iPhone as the animals settled down to feed, just a minute or so after exiting the trailer.  This pasture was sown on Sept. 15th, 2010.  We didn’t expect to be able to graze it so soon, but it was a very dense and tall sward by mid-January.  The flock of sheep pictured below was off the field after a couple of weeks, the pasture regrowth was fast, and we grazed it again in April.


Farmland LP