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Craig Wichner Interviewed by Chris Martenson

Craig Wichner Interviewed by Chris Martenson

December 17, 2012


Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity recently interviewed Craig and we’ve been getting a lot of great feedback. The interview is available here both as a Podcast and a transcript.  From emails it is clear that listeners have gotten some “a ha” moments out of it, such as:

  • Seeing how Farmland LP helps young farmers get started by providing access to high quality land they don’t have the capital to buy themselves.
  • Appreciating the integration of livestock and crop rotation, which begins with a Joel Salatin-like livestock model then adds organic vegetables and grains to the mix as the soil fertility allows.
  • The potential to scale this agronomic model over significant area, simultaneously benefiting multiple stakeholders–investors, farmers and eaters–and the environment.

Thanks to Chris Martenson for giving us the time to share what we do and why we are so passionate and committed to it.  We’re big fans of his, as he has a way of clarifying complex economic, environmental and energy topics. His interview certainly did that for a number of people.


Farmland LP