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Winter Images

Winter Images

February 15, 2011


As we enter the third week of February I am noticing a dramatic increase in plant growth–a sign that spring is not far off as the plants respond to longer day length.

In this post I will comment on a series of photos that stretch from early December to early February.

An old fence post is consumed by a fungus, which is seen here by its fruiting body, a mushroom.

A few days of temperatures in the teens and 20s causes water in the soil to freeze.  As ice crystals expand, soil is pushed up or “heaved.”  These frost heaves may be used to sow seed such as clover during the winter.

It is common for squalls of rain to alternate with bright sunshine and rainbows.

The perennial pasture sown September 15 is nicely established by early December.  Along with grasses, this image clearly shows the vigor of the chicory and plantain.  These plants establish tap roots and accumulate minerals well.

Straw and oak leaves cling to a stalk at the bottom of a swale, which is a natural field ditch.  The leaves were moved during a near flood event and are a sign of how swales efficiently disperse the energy of moving water.

A dramatic sky around sunset is a real treat.

Sheep arrive to graze the perennial pasture in early February.  This is about 1-2 months ahead of schedule, which is good news because it means the pasture is growing faster than expected.

A full time resident convinced he’s in charge of the place.

Farmland LP