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Oregon Farmland Tour Images

Oregon Farmland Tour Images

June 5, 2013


We had a great time last weekend at our farms near Corvallis, OR.  Over 100 turned out for Saturday tours and dinner, and over 60 for Sunday tours and brunch.  Just wanted to thank everybody who put this event together (especially Karen Wells) and those of you who showed up.  We had neighboring farmers, buyers of our lamb and eggs, community stakeholders and partners, investors, and plenty of friends come by to visit and enjoy the beautiful country here.


A popular attraction was our mobile hen houses for Vitality Farms certified organic, pastured eggs.


About 50 folks got on a school bus to tour two of our farms.  Shown here is Chris Hansen of Mosaic Farms with his Bershire hogs on our pasture at Fern Rd Farm.


Also at Fern Rd Mac Stewart explained our grazing practices which integrate dairy calves and sheep.


The sheep were a bit more shy than the cattle, so Mac and his dog Tigg brought them in for closer inspection.


Our Seed Cleaning Facility was a unique experience for most visitors.  Cleaned seeds fill a one-ton tote, ready to head to market.  Oregon is a world-class center for seed production and processing.


Dinner in our new egg cleaning and food handling facility was delicious. Thanks to John Neumeister of Cattail Creek Lamb for a skilled job on the BBQ and New Morning Bakery of Corvallis for the side dishes.


Almost done with the day and ready for the next one. 

Farmland LP